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September 04, 2020
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Hello humans and dogs,

We're back from taking a little summer break! We hope you all had a nice August and are looking forward to fall adventures.

What's happening at hazeldog this week

I've gotten into a rhythm when taking my dogs on a hike. Everything from what to pack to when and why to keep them on leash to how to clean them off is so much easier now than it was when I first started taking them out.

To try to make it easier for anyone to get out with their dog when they want, I've started sharing videos about the logistics of going on outdoor adventures with your dog. The second one, which was released today, shares when, why, and how to leash your dog when you are on off leash hikes.
Walks are supposed to be one of the good things about life with a dog. You bond and get some fresh air and maybe a little exercise. And while that's the case for many people and dogs, walks are also often a source of stress, frustration, or fear for either party. With all of Kona's fears and anxieties, we have been there. But, we have also figured out how to enjoy walks together, and it's amazing! So, I wrote a list of 8 different strategies to try to make walks fun for everyone.
A few of my favorite tidbits from our Instagram feed this week:

What's on my mind this week

When we talk about preaching to the choir, we often imply that it's a bad thing, that our time is wasted by talking to people who already believe what we do and we should be converting non-believers instead. But I don't think that's necessarily true.

When we preach to the choir, we know we are talking to a receptive audience. Maybe a little extra inspiration or a slight shift in their thinking is all they need to make a positive change. I know some of my favorite dog professionals have helped me change my thinking in a small but transformative way or encouraged me to do something beneficial for my dogs. Even if you aren't converting non-believers, you are still bringing about the change you want to see.

What we're digging this week

  • @fromdusktodog's hilarious, relatable, and helpful posts from the last few weeks. Her humor and creativity are amazing!
  • These great graphics sharing the results of a study on dog behavior on walks on short leashes, long leashes, or no leashes. The coolest takeaway for me was that dogs sniff almost three times as much on a long leash as on a short leash, but only about 15% more off leash compared to the long leash. So using a long leash on a walk or hike really does give your dog a lot more opportunity to be a dog.

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Talk to you next week!